Students may acquire valuable learning through field experience that complements their academic pursuits and helps them to see the relation between their college studies and the world of work.
Internships and field experiences are vehicles not only for career exploration, but also for broadening a student’s perspective through interaction with adults and professionals outside the College community. Opportunities exist in the College vicinity for students to work in fields such as journalism, ecology and the environment, film production, local government, law, social services, mental health, and the arts.
Students may also pursue summer- or semester-long internships with organizations outside of the local area, such as the Washington Center for Learning Alternatives or Amnesty International in Washington, D.C. Internships have included summer on-campus research opportunities, projects in journalism, government, early childhood education, the judiciary, business, museums, publishing, and environmental policy, as well as projects with the Mexican-American Legal Defense Fund and the Feminist Majority.
As part of the College’s Internships Program, students have taught English and math in Thailand, Ecuador, and Kenya, worked at a biodynamic farm in France, volunteered at an orphanage in Honduras, and studied directing at Shakespeare & Company in Berkshire County.