Along with their study of French language, students in this concentration study the literature, culture, history, and politics of the Francophone world.
Students in French courses at Simon’s Rock at every level acquire strong communicative skills in the language (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
After completing the placement exam, students are required to take two sequential semesters of one language to complete the AA requirement. Generally, students place into Beginning or Intermediate language courses. Students who place into an advanced course (206 or higher) may complete the requirement in one semester. The French placement exam is available online for all students.
Accelerated Beginning French I and II (FREN 100 and FREN 101)
Intermediate French I and II (FREN 204 and FREN 205)
The concentration in French and Francophone studies can help prepare students for graduate study in French or comparative literature, or careers in a variety of fields, including international relations, business, journalism, political science, and service abroad.
The choice of electives will be determined in part by the student’s particular focus and goals in studying French. Students are strongly encouraged to spend at least a semester pursuing coursework in a French-speaking country.
The French Studies concentration may be effectively combined with a concentration in Cross-cultural Relations, Anthropology, Politics, Linguistics, Literary Studies, or another world language.
Refer to the current College catalogue for specific French and Francophone concentration requirements.