Allyson received her BA from Simon’s Rock and PhD in Chemistry from the University
of Washington. She lives in Virginia and works as a research Group Leader for the
Howard Hughes Medical Institute where she focuses on how cells integrate information
to work together. Allyson joined the Simon’s Rock Board of Overseers in May of 2022.
Summarize your Simon’s Rock experience in 12 words or less.
Singular place. Intense and life-changing.
Where do you find the most meaning in your work?
Shared moments of discovery. It could be with a student over data or with a colleague as we are discussing a new concept. Science is a team effort. Even when you think you’ve made a discovery, the real value comes from sharing that moment and exploring that discovery together.
What qualities do you believe exemplify good leadership?
Central to good leadership are self-assessment, compassion, and reflection to develop and grow. These qualities should also extend to how we support and interact with others to invest in their futures.
What is the most enduring quality of Simon’s Rock?
A commitment to curiosity as a value.
Why do you give to Simon’s Rock?
Simon’s Rock is a place I care deeply about and it changed my life. It is also a place where giving a little goes a long way, in terms of time or money. While there are other places that have touched me, Simon’s Rock really benefits from the support to ensure it is here for future generations of students, to serve as that place that can change lives.