Learn basic Chinese in our accelerated introductory course, while being exposed to Chinese culture through movies, music, and food. Develop your language skills with a class on Chinese Theater Performance, and take advanced-level courses that allow you to discuss abstract topics with depth and nuance.
Students read, rehearse, and perform a work from the modern Chinese dramatic repertoire as a means of furthering developing skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Each student will perform a role or combination of roles in the final production; written and oral assignments during the rehearsal process and after the final performance will foster learning of both language skills and performance skills. Students at the 203-level generally read only the portions of the play in which their roles appear, and they will read them in the classroom under the instructor’s guidance. Students at the 303-level must be able to read an appropriate portion of the play on their own; class time for them will be spent on discussion and rehearsal, but not on direct reading. Chinese 303 is suitable for both native and nonnative speakers of Chinese. Prerequisite for Chinese 203: Chinese 100 or equivalent language level, plus permission of the instructor. Prerequisite for Chinese 303: Chinese 205 or equivalent language level, plus instructor’s permission.